Incitement materials against Israel found in Daawa facilities

Incitement materials against Israel found in Daawa facilities

    Video footage, photographs and numerous documents confiscated by security forces show active support of terrorism, advocate violence against Jews, Israel and the U.S. in Palestinian  schools.  

    Da'wa charity institutes actively promote terrorism in Palestinian schools and communities

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    In recent months, Israeli security forces have been operating against the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror infrastructures throughout the West Bank. During this time forces have confiscated material from dozens of structures and offices used by Da'wa charity institutes affiliated with terror organizations. These materials (video footage, photographs and countless documents) show how these institutes disguise terror activity as charity work.   

    The Da'wa organizations were declared illegal following the financial support they provided for families of suicide bombers and imprisoned terrorists. This financial and social support provides an incentive for terrorists to carry out attacks and increases public support of these terror organizations. 

    The Da'wa infrastructure is being used to transfer funds under the guise of charity to be used for terrorism, thus serving as a convenient apparatus for these purposes.

    The level of influence which these institutes hold over various groups within the Palestinian public varies. These institutes organize activities ranging from kindergartens in which children are incited against Jews (Israelis in particular) and Americans, to providing funds and guidance to students in higher levels of education, to supporting families of 'martyrs', suicide bombers and other Palestinian terrorists who have died or are imprisoned in Israel.

    It is important to note that these institutes, which are funded by millions of dollars per year, actively encourage terrorism.

    The following are examples of 'charity' institutes from which documents were confiscated, and an analysis of the findings by security forces:

    Tubas Hamas offices

    The Hamas office in the village of Tubas, located northeast of Nablus, is guided by the Islamic Federation and maintains close contact with other Da'wa institutes. The association is supported by international Islamic organizations, organizations in Israel (The Humanitarian Aid Authority in Nazareth), the Red Crescent and different bodies within the Palestinian Authority.

    The office uses its educational and public activities, education for children of all ages starting from preschool and various social activities, to encourage terror and incite against Israel. The office also provides assistance for widows and families of 'martyrs' and Palestinians imprisoned in Israel. The office also sponsors several summer camps in which the participating children are taken to visit families of Palestinian prisoners.

    The Islamic Charity Association in Hebron

    The Islamic Charity Association in Hebron was established in1962, and is registered in the Palestinian Ministry of the Interior. The association supports and aids families of 'martyrs' and Palestinian prisoners. In addition, the association supports the Hamas Student Association in the University of Hebron and in the Paltechnikum.

    Documents confiscated from the association's offices contain severe incitement against Jews, Israel and the U.S. and encourage 'Shahada' (sacrifice) and Jihad (Holy War) against IDF forces among Palestinian youths. These acts are carried out through educational activities and sermons delivered to the youths.

    All of the institutes' activities which encourage terrorism are performed under the guise of welfare services, social and educational activities and charity committees.

    The institute is funded with approximately 8 million dollars a year. The primary source for funding is the "Saudi Charity Coalition", part of INTERPAL. Further funding comes from different sources from The U.S., Britain, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Jordan, Kuwait, Mecca, Yemen, Qatar, and more.

    The Charity Committee (Zaka'a) in Dahariya

    A range of incitement materials were confiscated from the Dahariya Charity Committee during the IDF's operation in the town, located southwest of Hebron. The material incites against Jews (Israelis in particular) and includes footage from a children's play held by the committee in 2004 as part of a ceremony celebrating the birth of the prophet Muhammad. In the play the children present the killing of three IDF soldiers.

    The Zaka'a committee in Dahariya is active in the towns' schools, such as in the Islamic Al-Dahariya school, and additional educational facilities in the area. The committee combines radical Islamic educational material in the school programs, incorporating its agendas during the Palestinian Child Day, Earth Day, Mother's Day, Al-Karama Battle Day and more.

    MASSPRESS Publicity Center

    The MASSPRESS Publicity Center, headed by Mohammad Hassan Ashitiwei, serves as a Hamas propaganda center.

    The institute carried out a broad campaign for the Hamas prior to several different Palestinian elections in which the terror organization participated.

    The center offers courses in photography, journalism and written journalism, sends journalists to additional courses, sponsors university studies in Yemen and organizes coverage opportunities and conferences on different topics. The center is currently working to establish an independent Hamas television station called "El Snabl".

    The center operates in cooperation with other Hamas Da'wa institutes in Tulkarm and with Islamic Jihad-affiliated institutes. The center also maintains close connections various bodies within the Palestinian Authority.

    Activities of the propaganda center:

    • Preparation and distribution of footage documenting Hamas ceremonies in memory of 'martyrs', call for Jihad and generally incite against Israel.
    • Advertising and distributing incitement materials against Israel, including songs such as "Death to Israel", "The Qassam Rocket", etc, photographs of Hamas parades and Izzedine al-Qassam Battalions and the Hamas military wing.
    • Distribution of Hamas leaflets.
    • Briefing detailing how the Hamas' struggle against Israel has changed the equation between Palestine and Israel.
    • An exhibition, arranged by the institution, dedicated to the glorification of 'martyrs' - including images of Hamas-affiliated 'martyrs', including Ahmed Yassin on the Israeli flag, Yehia Ayash, Rim Riyashim, etc. (images from the exhibition were distributed by the IDF)
    • A Hamas convention in memory of the 'martyrs'. In a speech honoring the martyrs by Abu Sahil he states that "all of Palestine is for Palestinians and it has no place for Jews."